Saturday, March 28, 2020

Summer Countdown to...

Before the schools shut down, I was putting the final touches on this product:

I never posted it here because it felt awkward.  Is anyone counting down to anything except the end of this pandemic?  But I posted it in my store and was shocked to see so many wishlisted on just the first day.  So maybe a need?  Wishful thinking?  I could use a little wishful thinking on so many levels right now.  The struggle is real.  I know we're all struggling these days.

My good friend is struggling to get her little one to sleep in her own bed.  It's been a long road.  So I had the idea of giving them the rocket to make so they can count down the number of sleeps left until she officially goes nighty-night in her princess bed that's been waiting for her since last May.  Fingers crossed for her.  For them!

I really hope a Super Summer is on the way for all of us.  What would you put on your list? 

Gatherings are on mine.  Lots and lots of family and friend gatherings.

So as much as I feel a little silly posting this, I'm still going to do it.  Here's to positive thoughts and fun times ahead for all of us this summer.  

I know some districts don't feel it's appropriate to count down to summer...sort of like the teacher is wishing the year to end.  That's why I gave the option of counting down to next grade level as well.  

Either way, I'm counting down to the return of NORMALCY.  Who's with me?

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