First up, this adorable craft which I just updated. It makes a cute display.
The update? Added a simple "I love you to pieces!" with NO NAME. Perfect for preschoolers.
One of my favorite math games is Clear the Board.
It comes in a 2-6 and a 2-12 Board. Great to reinforce Subitizing Dice Dots and adding, Sooooo simple to play and kids love it! Quick!
See this post about my thoughts on making Valentine Boxes in school. If you don't have the time, use my letter to send home! Easy breezy! I also have a quick video showing me making a box on that link.
I also offer two free Valentine Poems to share,
If interested in my paid product of February Poems, you can click on the picture below. Topics include
*Groundhog Day
*Valentine's Day
*100th Day of School
*Presidents' Day
*Dental Health
*Mardi Gras
Poems are such an awesome way to practice fluency and reinforce sight words. I use Poetry Binders in my classroom and send them home once a week. I ask kids to fill out a simple form and return the next day. You can grab a FREE recording form by clicking on picture below.
If you're looking for some other February Themed lessons, you may want to check these out: