In just 11 hours, I'll be welcoming my Firsties to a new school year! Yep, summer is now officially over for me. I'm excited to greet my 23 kiddos, though. Twenty-three is the most I've ever had. In fact, I was at 22 until two minutes before leaving on Friday.
Twenty-three may or may not be a large number for you. I've never had more than 21. Ahhh..the more the merrier, right? We will be comfy and oh, so cozy because my classroom is tiny. Teeny. Teeny Tiny. Seriously. I don't even have a sink. (or a desk!) I don't have the luxury for cute nooks or crannies. Sigh. But, you work with what you have, you know?
Here are some before picks: (Not many...sorry!)
And here is my class from my door now:
I so heart my poms this year! My theme is really color: red, black and yellow. However, I have LOTS of primary baskets (too expensive to buy new ones!) and my rug, of course. Here's a closer look at my class:
My lovely carpet that I bought because I can't live without it and my class library. The three BB will be used for anchor charts/work this week. My math board is only partially finished. I'll add to it this week. I love the yellow paper so I have it on all boards. Brings sunshine to my tiny room. By keeping the walls all the same color with the black apple borders that pop, I think it makes the room LOOK a little bigger.
My stuffed animal friends are kept in these cute buckets that I bought at HomeGoods. Kids snuggle with them for "Read to Self" or "Read to a Buddy." So cute!
This is on library top shelf near my easel. Marble jars record days in school and left. I have 182 marbles ready to be plunked one by one into the empty jar. My smart beads get lots of use. I allow them to go home and then kids return them the next day. I lose a few here and there but they are cheap to replace.
Mailboxes and Birthday Balloons. I use clips on boxes and then use a yellow sticker with names types in. Lots of people just use numbers but I like having their names on them. Help kids learn them, too.
The kiddos get one of these bracelets tomorrow. Love the glow!
I sit in this tiny chair! Yep- I'm short and my feet touch the ground when I sit on this so I'm good to go! Not ideal to have the chair in front of the books but really no other option.
Simple morning message for now with some of my planned read alouds tomorrow. To see how I usually do my Morning Message, click
here. Have you ever read Children Make Terrible Pets? Pure genius! A must! The baggie in the middle is loaded with slinkys that I use to s-t-r-e-t-c-h- out words with my kiddos. Quite helpful! Those two large bins in back are holiday books that I don't include in my library due to space constraints.
Simple Bravo Board ready to highlight work. This is right inside my door.
Math tubs/supplies.
Love an estimating area so I squeeze one in here. I always show what 5 or some amount looks like to help the kids along.
This year I want SOMETHING science related out even if not related to our unit at the time. Something that makes the kids THINK and EXPLORE!
I have to thank
My Classy Collaboration Blog for this. I saw it on Pinterest which led me to her blog post. Love it! My district is big on Teacher Reflection and to include the kids- no matter how young, makes sense. At the time, she didn't offer it for sale in her TpT Store but was planning to in the future. Go buy it!
My writing supplies/area It wasn't completely set up yet but you get the idea. I so wish I had a table for the kids to sit down and create! At least they have lots of fun supplies and papers available to them. See the black trashcans ready to go on desks when necessary under the zebra table on the left? Love them! A little zebra tape makes them fit right in!
Yep- I have the zebra thing going on. I sort of went a little crazy with the tape last year! This year I added more red to my storage containers that you see above.
Bins on desks. Four kids share. Inside: glue sticks, pencils, scissors, dry erase markers and erasers (both pink and dry erase erasers)
and little trophies that I explained in this post. The kids have crayons in desks and I pass out markers and colored pencils when needed.
Side view and you can also see my deskplates that I've ordered for years from Really Good Stuff. Love them! Best ever!
Across from writing area is my desk/reading table. Made the chairs last year. Storage inside! The bookshelf is zebra, too. Took 20 minutes! I have a lot of stuff behind my desk! (You can see my boxes in my closet!)
Book jackets above. It was dead space. Looks bright and cheery now.
My buckets for my little Bucket Fillers. Note to self: add another. (The compliment sheets are located on top of writing area.)
Closer view. Not everything unpacked and here yet.
I have two of these. Missing spots are books my colleague just had to borrow! Sharing is a good thing! :)
Another little chair! When kids need a little break, this is where they relax.
I now have these up on every window. Cute!
Eek! Here is a wasted board that is behind my easel. Although wasted space, I still meant to put paper on it. How did I forget?
None of those containers are mine and I hate the way they look. But we have no storage in our school so there they stay!
I have lots of leveled books on my shelf in my closet. All are mine. Most from Scholastic.
Aren't these cute boxes?
Right inside door. I have small boards for my jobs and schedule. My Real Estate is valuable in my small room so I rather save what I have for kid work and things we do together like anchor charts. That's why I use a small Birthday Board I bought from Erica B. outside my room. Just waiting to add pics tomorrow.
While I have more to show, I need to get some sleep. Last two pics are my Reading Charts which I offer in my store (not all shown) and these free Quotes that you can grab by clicking on that pic.
Small but sweet. I hope you enjoyed the tour! Have a GREAT SCHOOL YEAR!