Here are a few Pigeon/Bus ones my students did as their first attempt. (I should have grabbed more pics!)
I love the pink Pigeon! Adorable!
I thought this might be hard but he nailed it! Impressed!
Love all of them. This is one of the activities the kids have an option of doing while I'm meeting with reading groups. I have 3 GR Groups each day. Each students gets TWO read to self on their own sessions (Stamina and RAZ Kids) and then they are either reading with me or doing a reading response activity.
I had options for the kids that you can see in this post but all students picked the ones that have a sentence on the bottom. I was thrilled!
In addition to Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and Creepy Pair of Underwear Directed Drawings available in my store, I've uploaded Knuffle Bunny which is a favorite of mine! It's a Mentor Text for our Small Moments Writing Unit so we will use the Directed Drawing for the book next week. Can't wait!
I'm going to start another Directed Drawing packet this week. My husband said I should do Dragons Love Tacos but I'm not sure. Maybe a Halloween Book? A Kevin Henkes book? Possibilities are endless!