I have a Book-It in my store so I used it as an opportunity to model the Pick-a- Prompt for them...no independent work like that yet. I also modeled retelling the story.
We then made words out of the letters in WATERCOLORS, too. (We made 38 words and it was the perfect time to introduce plurals with that lovely "S" on the end of watercolorS!)
Next up: We colored in our "Dots". Here is where the magic comes in! I used the FREE coloring page from the Quiver App:
then used the App to magically turn them into 3-D! (I took a screen shot of each one.)
I posted them on Twitter and then showed the kids. They were thrilled to see the magic! (I didn't tell them about the App or let them know why I was taking pics.)
So...did you participate in DOT DAY?
Be Brave! Make your mark today!