I am over-the-moon excited to launch my video series, "Ten Under Ten: 10 Teacher Tips Under 10 Minutes" on IGTV. (That's Instgram's video platform.) For those interested, I'll share the content here as well and embed the video.
My first topic: "Ten Tips for New Teachers" How did this end up as my first topic in February? Lots of teachers are taking over classrooms this time of year and several of my friends in Australia are just starting their school year. So...drum roll please!
Ten Tips for New Teachers
1. Love, Honor, and Cherish...Your STUDENTS!
Awww...you do that already, right? But you must let parents know that as soon as you send out your Welcome Letter that you are well aware that they are entrusting you with their PRIDE and JOY each day and that you take that responsibility seriously. (It's true, isn't it?) Then tell them again during Back-to-School Night. Live the words. Believe them. You are the keeper of their most prized possession for 6-8 hours a day. That is an awesome responsibility. Let them know that you teach as if YOUR OWN child is a student in front of you.
2. Ask and You Shall Receive
You're going to need a lot of things from your principal and administrators. Speak up. Ask! But don't make it easy for them to simply say, "No." In the video I speak about getting a new globe twice (in two different districts) when my colleagues didn't. In the first case, my principal said, "Nope," until I whipped out the outdated globe and pointed to U.S.S.R which had ceased to even exist years prior. She was mortified and immediately ordered new globes for anyone who needed it. (This included my colleague who failed to mention that fact.) So come ready (facts, figures, prices) to JUSTIFY your requests. I've had a very high success rate of getting items FOR MY STUDENTS (not me!) and teachers have pushed me into the Principal's door more than once to request items needed for the school.
3. Prepare for Spirit and Theme Days...NOW!
I wish I would have gotten a handle on this my first year. Know you will have a TON of Spirit Days and often the same ones are recycled year after year: Crazy Hat Day, Crazy Sock Day, Crazy Hair Day, Favorite Book Character, Disney Day, Inspirational T-Shirt Day...you get the idea. Start your collection NOW instead of buying it the day before from Amazon. No need to switch up your theme day hats/shirts, etc., each year. That gets expensive. Get a really cool hat and only wear it that one day of the year and it will bring back fun memories.
NOTE: Keep items at school so you always have them there! No forgetting at home! (I know I rather take up some school space than my personal closet for all of this
junk. fun stuff,
4. Use Parent Volunteers
Don't be shy! Volunteers have been instrumental in allowing me to deliver my instruction successfully without a million interruptions. I have had so many amazing volunteers who are on the ball. (One even brought her TWO iPads to use during Reading Workshop and had our apps downloaded. How amazing is that??? ) You might be thinking, "If only I could be sure they'd be a GOOD volunteer!" Well, you can. Sort of! First off, you must TRAIN your volunteers. Tell them exactly what you need/expect from them. (I go as far as saying (nicely, of course!) that if they're standing around with their arms folded, it isn't helping.) Dip your toes in by trying this: Ask for volunteers for 1-2 sessions ONLY. Get a feel for them. If awesome, ask them to extend their help. If a clunker, no hard feelings because you only asked for an hour or two in the first place! No hard feelings because they'll never know! (Next week, my Ten Under Ten is about how I use my volunteers! Stay tuned!)
5. Secretaries (and Custodians) Rock! (But Know Their Allegiance!)
My dad was a Principal/Superintendent for many years. He loved his custodians and secretaries and admitted that they often were his eyes and ears and practically ran the school. You know it's true! They have the Principal's ear. As they should! Example: In my old school, one prospective teacher was so rude on the phone to our sweet secretary and well...you know how that turned out for the new graduate. No job!) So here is my point: You may LOVE your secretary. Be good friends with her. Share personal info. BUT, at the end of the day, her allegiance is WITH THE PRINCIPAL as it should be. This is a true story that might provide more insight: Teacher excited because she's taking a trip to Disney and will miss two days of school. Calling out sick. She tells close friends. Secretary is one of them. After school, principal excited but worried about Field Day coming up. "I wish I knew if anyone was going to be out because I'm worried about subs. If I need one and can't get one last minute, it will cause such a problem. Secretary: (Not being malicious!) Well I shouldn't say this but (insert name!) if going to be out." See the problem? Proceed with caution. Honestly, I cannot tell you how much this happens. I can give you at least a dozen of examples!
6. Prepare Kids for Volunteers
Whether they're party helpers or volunteering for centers, you MUST prepare the kids! SET EXPECTATIONS especially for the ones whose parents are coming. Want to now how a sweet, well-behaved child can turn into a monster? Invite her parent in to help out! Seriously, this happens often unless you prepare them. Don't let it happen. Go over expectations and review them often ESPECIALLY right before the parents arrive. I like to tell my kids that it's "Business as Usual" and tell them that I am still in charge. We act out scenarios so we don't get a glimpse of the whiny, clingy child who wants all of the their parent's attention. I also don't allow kids to run up to parents when they arrive (a simple wave is good) because usually we're in the middle of something. A hug good-bye is always a good thing, though!
NOTE: Be sure to discuss/set expectations for the parent leaving, too. Some kids will ask parents if they can LEAVE with them. This could be after a 9am volunteer session. Some parents will cave and be like, "Okay." Um...NO WAY! Be clear with parents and students at all times and your kids will be on their usual good behavior when parents visit. (Pre-arranged leaving after afternoon party? Sure! But again, I discuss with child because sometimes they don't want to leave. So if I know it's happening, I make sure the child knows the expectations.)
7. Keep A Stash of Supplies for YOU
Advil, lotion, deodorant, extra clothes...whatever you may need! It took me about 10 years and many "Oops, I forgot to ..." moments to do this! Keep a bag, box...whatever you need. True story: Once I was driving to school with my kids with me (went to my school) and I happen to glance in the rear view mirror and realized I forgot to put on makeup! Who FORGETS to do this? (Me. TWICE) I quickly pulled into a Walgreens, got the kids out of the car, and dropped 20-30 bucks on makeup. I've also had to borrow extra socks, a sweatshirt after spilling tea, and once left at lunch on BTSN because I forgot deodorant. While there, picked up a toothbrush and toothpaste so I could use before my presentation. Wasted time and money. So, be prepared!
8. Don't Discuss Other Students with Parents
This is surely a no-no but some parents are pretty crafty at trying to get you to spill the beans. If a child had a problem with another child, they often want to hear how the other child was punished. I simple say, "I can assure you that it has been addressed" or "Our administration is handling this and they'll be in touch." Some parents can be nosy when they simply make an observation: "I was surprised when Jimmy was at my house. I did homework with the boys and was so surprised when he couldn't read the book you sent home." UGH. This has happened! This burns my toast. Feel free to use my reply that shuts them right down: "I would never discuss your child with another parent so, respectfully, please don't ask me to share private information about another child with you." Harsh? No. Pure truth.
9. Find Your Marigold
Positivity is a must BUT we all need to vent from time to time. I am a firm believer in finding your ONE person to share YOUR ALL with. Your ride and die person. You might be thinking, "Well my whole team is great!" or "My entire staff is trustworthy." I am sure they are. But sharing ALL with EVERYONE never ends up well. It eventually leads to gossip. (And if you share something and it gets out, you will have no idea who the blabbermouth is.) Read the article,
Find Your Marigold, by Jennifer Gonzales. Awesome. Beautifully said. TRUE is every way!
10. Welcome Parents into Your Classroom Community
Not to volunteer but to participate! Why not? Let them see ALL THE AWESOMENESS you possess. You rock it, friend. Let them see it! I have an open invitation to join us for Morning Meeting. Morning Meeting is an intentional invite. It has a definite start time and finish time and at 20 minutes, is a good amount of time to have them in. Easy in and out! I tell kids when they arrive, it's BUSINESS AS USUAL. Besides having an extra member in our circle (sitting with their child, of course.) I don't change a thing. I do my meeting as usual: Greeting, Share (usually academic), Activity, and Message. I do allow the child to pick the activity that day. It happens so fast, parents love it, and it's GREAT PR for you. They will seriously go home and tell everyone they know how impressed they are that their child has a ROCK STAR teacher. YOU! Seriously, we manage 20-25 kids and whip seamlessly through our Morning Meeting each and every day. But to see it in action is VERY IMPRESSIVE and guess what??? Remember when you told them that you are well aware that they are sending their PRIDE and JOY to YOU each day? And that you TEACH like it's your own child in the classroom? Well they will now SEE IT. BELIEVE it. Sprinkle that Fairy Dust, friend! You create magic each and every day. Show the world. And if that doesn't gain you serious heaps of respect and strengthen the Home-School connection, nothing else will!
Were you able to take away a few tips here? I sure hope so!
Leave a comment if you have any other tips and please share this post with any new teachers in your school. We're all in this TOGETHER!
Interested in seeing the video, click on it!
NEXT WEEK: Ten Tips To Use Parent Volunteers