I have this same game for Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day but wanted to make one for SHARK WEEK and summer fun. Takes a minute to learn and is a quick game that the kids want to play again and again.
How Do You Play?
Place all ten of your tokens on the board. Take turns rolling 2 dice and add numbers together. Look to see if your token is in that column. If it is, remove it. Roll doubles? Take turn and ROLL AGAIN! If your token isn’t in that column, skip a turn. First one to remove all of his/her tokens is The Sneaky Shark!
Two boards are included (both in color and BW) so Kindergarten students can play while using one die on a 1-6 board and Grades 1/2 can use two dice and add numbers together on the 2-12 board. SO EASY and FUN!
Here's one of my FAVORITE shark-related books, SHARK LADY. My class LOVES it too! Have you read it?
Here's one of my FAVORITE shark-related books, SHARK LADY. My class LOVES it too! Have you read it?

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