Monday, January 20, 2020

FREEBIE: Clear the Board Valentine Game

My students love to play math games during math workstations and center rotations. Do yours?
With Valentine's Day coming up, I decided to make this Valentine's Day Math Game (Clear the Board) for your class to use to practice their counting and addition facts. It's the perfect math game for your K-2 math centers or workstations on Valentine's Day or any time of the year!
Grab your FREE Valentine's Day Math Game by clicking on the picture:

It comes with two boards: 1-6 for Kindergarten and 2-12 for Grades 1/2. Both come in color and black and white.

If you haven't played, I promise it's as easy as 1-2-3!
How easy?? For the 2-12 Board:

Place all ten of your tokens on the board. (I got the hearts from Dollar Tree but you can use any tokens you want.) Take turns rolling 2 dice and add numbers together. Look to see if your token is in that column. If it is, remove it. Roll doubles? Take turn and ROLL AGAIN! If your token isn’t in that column, skip a turn. First one to remove all of his/her tokens is the King or Queen of Hearts!

(Although when my kids win any game in class, they stand up and shout, "Winner, winner, chicken dinner!")


1 comment:

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