Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Adding Rigor to Math Lessons

Raise your hand if you've ever had a bad math observation.

I'm waving my hand...can you see it?

Who hasn't had a glitchy lesson?  We ALL have, I'm sure and that's okay!  Hopefully, you've received great feedback coupled with a road map to help you solve the glitch. I sure did.

My previous Math Supervisor introduced me to Open-Ended Questions and it changed the way I approached and taught math.  Check out FREE Open-Ended Math Questions.

Seriously.  They are a real game-changer for my program.  Upped my rigor and gave me so much more insight as to my students' strength and weaknesses in math.

Well my friend is no exception either.  She's waving her hand, too. She teaches Second Grade and was told that her Do-Nows and Exit Tickets for her math lessons weren't rigorous enough.

But she didn't get suggestions on HOW to make them more rigorous.

So, I introduced her to Open-Ended Math Questions and promised her that they would add rigor immediately to her lessons.

Click on the video to learn more about Open-Ended questions and how you can use them tomorrow in your class.  If you're like me, you'll be wondering why you didn't make the switch to using them earlier.

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