Reading Poems and Songs is a great pathway to fluency for struggling readers. Rereading the poems and having struggling readers' eyes on sight words again and again really helps them master the sight words at a faster rate and that, of course, leads to fluency. No stopping to sound out words. No robotic voice by the time they read the poems 3-5 times.
I try to keep my poems fresh so I have monthly packets. I just photocopied my February Songs and Poems for our Poetry Binders and when a student saw them on my desk, he did a little happy dance!
• Themes in my February Songs and Poems packet include: Valentine’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Dental Health, Groundhog Day, 100th Day, Penguins, and Mardi Gras.
• My main goal of my poetry packets? For the kids to enjoy and appreciate the fun language and word choices. Some poems “Tickle Our Ears” especially when using rhymes and alliteration.
• Many poems are read for enjoyment only. I don’t dissect and pick apart most of them. I may pick 1 out of 5 a week that I use for direct instruction such as identifying Proper Nouns, rhyming words, letter/sound combinations, etc.) Really makes me sad when I hear teachers using every poem for instruction. (And books for that matter!) That's the quickest way to turn kids off to poetry and reading, don’t you think?
•Want to grab two free poems in this packet right now? Hope you enjoy them! Click on pic:
• On Wednesdays, I send home the poetry binders with a simple fluency sheet. Feel free to grab it. Click on the pic.
Since February is quickly approaching, are you looking for a Valentine's Day Math Game that you can use to practice math facts and print-ready for your math centers or workstations? Look no further!
Feeling a bit overwhelmed with all you have to do in the next few weeks? Let me help take a little something off your plate! Be sure to check out THIS POST to see how you can save yourself precious time by sending HOME a FREE Editable letter to parents asking them to make a Valentine's Day Box at home and then bring it to school. Trust me, the home made Valentine Boxes turn our adorable!
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