Friday, July 7, 2017

Any Binge-Worthy TV Show Recommendations?

If so, I'd love to hear from you!  I like to have something playing in the background in early morning/late evening hours when I'm working on school-related "stuff."  So far this summer, I watched Stranger Things and loved it! Having only one season so far appealed to me since I knew I could watch it quickly.  I'll be watching Season 2 for sure.  (Love these kids!)

Then I moved on to this AMAZING, highly-rated Netflix documentary, The Keeers,  which was only 8 episodes I think. I highly recommend you tune in but be prepared to feel outraged on so many levels. So, so many levels.

I also watched something I had ZERO interest in but ended up liking it.  I needed a bit of fluff after the The Keepers.  I am certainly NOT the targeted age group but it was fun and campy and again, only one season so far:

It's Archie and the Gang in modern times.  Who knew Jughead was played by Cole Sprouse of Zack and Cody fame?

Right now, I'm on Season 3 of a show many of you most likely have been watching for a while: SUITS.  I like it a lot but not sure if I'll go the distance of seven seasons!  (Watching it on Amazon Prime.  The new season starts on USA Network next week.)

I also watched my beloved Orange is the New Black but was disappointed in the season which took place over three days.  Boo to that!

I don't have HBO so no Big Little Lies for me yet which I heard rocks!

Looking back at this post it seems like I watch WAY too much TV!  Eek!  Just when I'm working.  I like to multi-task!

One last thing...I never gave a shout-out to Matthew who graduated from High School a few weeks ago.  He'll be going to Rider University just 30 minutes from here (but he will live on campus) in September and major in Sports Media.  So proud of him and know he's going to do great things...he already has!

Sarah will already be a Junior in Newhouse at Syracuse University in the fall. How did that happen? They're getting old which only means one thing:  I AM GETTING OLD!  :)

It's raining here...a perfect day TV!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    I tried to send you an email earlier this week to,, but it got bounced back to me. I have a couple of questions for you that I'd rather not ask on a public post. Is there another email address I can use?



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