This fast-paced and hilarious story centers on young Cole who yearns to be an Assistant Knight to his hero, Sir Percival. (Why am I thinking about Dwight from The Office here? Ha!)
So he writes him a letter. Can I tell you how much I love this letter? Already thinking how to use it in our Opinion & Persuasion Writing Unit.
Cole learns all the important Knight skills including how to calm Sir Percival down when he has nightmares about a scary Underwear Dragon. There are two full-page spreads showing him learning these skills that are so wonderfully witty and funny! (Can't give all the pics away!)
Is Cole ready when the kingdom is attacked by - you guessed it - the Underwear Dragon. Can Cole help? Hmmm...there may be yet ANOTHER letter involved!
Getting to this next illustration is quite the fun-filled adventure. Your kids will love it. It's going to end up on your library shelf for sure! I foresee needing multiple copies for my kids to share.
I really liked the pace of the story, the playfulness and FUN. After all, there is an Dragon wearing Tighty Whities!
Check out this awesome behind-the-scenes info in the video below from both Scott and Pete. (Yes, I feel like we're friends now!) (If on mobile, may need this link if video not showing: INTERVIEW)
Cole learns all the important Knight skills including how to calm Sir Percival down when he has nightmares about a scary Underwear Dragon. There are two full-page spreads showing him learning these skills that are so wonderfully witty and funny! (Can't give all the pics away!)
Is Cole ready when the kingdom is attacked by - you guessed it - the Underwear Dragon. Can Cole help? Hmmm...there may be yet ANOTHER letter involved!
Getting to this next illustration is quite the fun-filled adventure. Your kids will love it. It's going to end up on your library shelf for sure! I foresee needing multiple copies for my kids to share.
Check out this awesome behind-the-scenes info in the video below from both Scott and Pete. (Yes, I feel like we're friends now!) (If on mobile, may need this link if video not showing: INTERVIEW)
(Video brought to you by Children's Book World Book Store.)
Kudos to whoever their editor was because it was the perfect pairing. Kind of like the wine and cheese I just had.
Happy reading! If you read it, let me know your thoughts.
Kudos to whoever their editor was because it was the perfect pairing. Kind of like the wine and cheese I just had.
EDITED to add:
I made a small product ($2) to support and extend the book. Am making a larger product soon.
Happy reading! If you read it, let me know your thoughts.
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