Sunday, January 8, 2017

Pick-A-Prompt Fun!

We use Lucy Calkins in our school and I love it!  

But in between Small Moments, How-To, All About, etc., I love to give these Pick-A-Prompts to my kids. The kids clearly love having the power of selecting the one that appeals most to them. 

I usually find their answers so insightful. I snapped pics of the latest ones in the order that the kids finished and the first three kids each picked different ones.  (Second one was two-sided.)


I've never NOT had each prompt picked in a writing session.  That always surprises me!  And I'm often surprised at some of the responses I read.  I never knew student 3 loved basketball!  And not just playing the sport but following her favorite team, too!  :)  

I use them for Do-Nows, Free Choice (I can even put same ones out because kids still have two unused options to pick from) and slip them in Fast Finishers folders.  They've really come in handy during writing workshop too.  I have a rule that during writing, we write.  That's it.  Finished a story? Write a new one!  But I've realized that sometimes kids want to continue writing but starting another How-To or All About with ten minutes left of the period may not be ideal or overwhelming.  So, these fit the bill!

You can easily make these yourself by writing in three topics on the top of a page.  But if you don't have the time to make them, check out my January pack  in my store.  Topic Headers: Popcorn Day, A Snowy Day, A New Year, Rubber Ducky Day, Story Starters, Peace & Love, What If and Would You Rather?

Pick-a-Prompt (January Writing Prompts)

Looking for paper to go along with your All About and How To Units?  Maybe these will help.  Available as a bundle and individually.  I love having these to use!  Makes the unit easier for me...and the kids! 

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