Saturday, March 23, 2013


How have I missed out on this gem of a program sponsored by Penguin/Pearson? 

Register your class now!  Every time your class reads a book online, a book is donated to a school in need of books.  Yep- it's that easy.  The books are AWESOME!  What a wide-range of books for kids (up to about ten years old) to read.  The nonfiction selections are amazing and can really help you supplement your curriculum needs.

I read the story on my computer as it projects up on my screen.  The large format is, obviosuly, a great advantage over my typical read aloud where the kids on the back of the carpet can't see the pics as well.  The images are crisp and clear and COLORFUL!  Lots of DK books which makes me hap, hap, happy!  My kids are going to have accounts as well so they can read at home and get credit for our school.  I believe I read that the amount any one school can "donate" would be 250 books. 

A win-win situation for all! 

Great for Read-to-Self, too!

Since  I signed up this week, I've read 7 books to the class from the list.  Mostly nonfiction. And every student has picked out a book and rotated through my workstation so they could see the images on my huge monitor.  FUN!  I haven't viewed on iPads yet but I'm assuming (hoping!) the stories will also load onto them.

Check out the titles (with new titles added often!) and I think your kiddos will be as excited as mine!

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