Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Blizzard of Series Books...

Once May hits, I know I only have about 7 weeks left with my little monkeys.  While we've read so many wonderful books this year (favorites of kids so far: Charlotte's Web and Gooney Bird Greene) I know that it's the perfect time to kick it up a notch and read through a blizzard of series books.  I want to get them hooked on the first book in a series- maybe even the second - and have them barrel their way through the rest of the series over the summer.  (Either independently or with family help.) Even my lower readers can get into the action since they'll be familiar with characters, settings, etc.  I also try to have audio books on tape for the kids as well.  Right now, even though we've finished STINK, the audiobook is so FABO, that it's on when they get back from recess each day.

Here are some of the books I've read over last month:

Although I've read two Magic Tree House books to them, so many of the kids are now on their fifth, sixth, or seventh books.  I love them, too! (How can you NOT like a book about a librarian/books? :)

                                                              (Still reading this one! Long!)

Read regular Cam during year so I didn't mind going out of order on this one. Beach weather...ahhh!

 They've been begging me to read another A-Z Mystery so I will this week.  And how did I not know that Ron Roy has The Calendar Mysteries out?  I saw it in book order. Is it new?  Been out for years?  I have no idea.  If I can find a copy, that might be one that kids devour.

I'm so proud of my voracious readers!  If you have any suggestions, please let me know.  Always looking for new ideas.

Happy reading!


  1. 7 weeks still? That's a long time. Thanks for the chapter book suggestions!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I read a lot of A to Z Mysteries and Magic Tree House books in my class. I read aloud during snack time (keeps them quiet and calm!). They love these books because, in their words, I always "leave them hanging" and they are so eager to hear what is going to happen next! I love instilling a love for reading in my kiddos. Thanks for the other suggestions!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade


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