Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year and Goals

May 2012 be your best yet!  Do you have any resolutions?  I admit, I am terrible at keeping them!  This year, I'm going with monthly resolutions.  Much easier to manage and if I fail, there's always next month.

I'll leave my personal resolutions private but list my professional ones here.


1. Get to school at crack of dawn so I can work without others in building (so I actually work and not gab!) and I'll also leave when school day ends.  My kids need me here! :)

2. Work on upcoming assessments a little each day.  No cramming!  This week, I plan on getting all WAWAs finished as well as sight words.  Then, I'll do running records and scoring.

3. Read a highly recommended professional math book.  As soon as I can remember the name, I'll edit this to include the title.

4. Take down my current outside BB and put my January up by this Friday.  Isn't that always stressful? 

5. Send weekly newsletters home via email in January.

6. Sort and organize math materials.  I stepped into a well-stocked classroom this year and that's about the only area I haven't "made mine" yet.  Labels, reorganize, etc.  Takes oh-so-much time, doesn't it?

7. Make my February packet of poems for TPT.  I've had a few emails already asking if I was making one.  Yep- coming soon!  Also making a mini-unit for my favorite Valentine's Day book ever:  Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch.  Have you read it? 

That's is for January.  How about you?  Care to share?


  1. I am following your very cute blog!!

  2. I LOVE Mr. Hatch and read it every year for Valentine's Day! I am now following you. Here are some January art ideas on my blog:
    An Open Door

  3. Never read Mr. Hatch, but will definitely look into it.

  4. I am followingr blog now, Lisa. Love your blog. I have not read the book, but going to check the library for it tomorrow. Have a great first week back!

  5. Happy new year! I'm your newest follower. I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award. Come check it out over on my blog.
    ♥ Dragonflies in First ♥

  6. I'm your newest follower! I'm looking forward to following. By the way, I love your blog's name.
    Forever in First

  7. Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome! I've been trying to find a way to reply to everyone that possible? I have a LiveJournal account and we can do that there. I'm stumped here. I'm either following or will be following all of you in just a minute. Looking forward to getting to know all of you and reading your blogs!


Let's chat!