Saturday, December 31, 2011

Coming Up With A Blog Title...

is challenging as teaching first grade! My first twenty or so "would-be" titles were taken.  Finally, First Grade Bloomabilities blossomed!  I think it's a perfect fit because I truly believe that the possibilities of children are endless.   Agree?  Sure you do since you're most likely a teacher reading this! I believe in the saying "Bloom where you are planted" and while I loved my time teaching second grade as well as my nine years as a K-5 media specialist, I'm now back in the position I heart most and spent eight years teaching. Yep- my roots are strong and I'm enjoying watching my first graders bloom!


  1. I am officially your 2nd follower. Welcome to the blogging world! I found your post on Seller's Forum on TpT. I would love for you to visit my blog!
    Patti :)

  2. I just becamse a follower of yours. LOVE the title of yuour Blog. I wanted something with a book slant, too. (Assuming that's what you went for!) Thanks for visiting! Looking forward to reading yuour Blog.


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