Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Little Voters in Training: Exciting 2024 Election Printables for Kids!

I'm excited about a product that I finished tonight and since it's on sale for $2.40 at the moment, I wanted to highlight it here. I think I'm extra excited because I'm usually making things like this last minute.

Here's everything that's included...

I love asking my kids to interpret data collected and I often do it by asking them to include one true and one false statement about the data like I did on the Tally/Graph page. Often this is tough for some of them at first but through modeling for them and for each other, they become quite adept at doing it.

I have the short reading passage above, So You Want to be President, (that I'll be reading to my students) and then doing the second version of the sheet here: Chit Chat with a Chum.  Yep.  The answers are verbal only.  Of course if you have independent readers, your students can complete the one with written responses.

Who doesn't love wearing a crown?  I've included a girl and bot version here AND colored as well as black and white options. To be clear, I have my students color their in. I include color for myself OR if I feel like giving one to a colleague so they ca join in the fun, I'll print the colored copy our for them.

If you know me, you know I'm a huge fan of open-ended questions such as Which One Doesn't Belong?  I made this one up for Election Day and I've included 10 possible responses to get you thinking. I'm always surprised at what the kids think up! 

The Lift the Flap says True and False Election Statements.  I promise you there is no Fake News here! Pretty basic questions such as, "If you are 16, you can vote in the election."  Kids sort the 8 statements and glue under the correct flap.

I love the sense of community that a class book offers. Each student contributes a page to the book and then we put it in our class library.  This is from my November Class Book packet. We do so many class books that each child gets to bring 2 home in June.  The above can be differentiated by the paper picked.  For the last page, I often add a photo of my class.  While I include a colored cover ready to be printed, I usually ask a student to complete the cover. I like to give options, though!

The poem VOTE TODAY is from my November poetry packet.  I love using poems to support the curriculum.  My entire September Poetry Packet is free and you can see all 22 of them in an earlier Blog Post as well as grab some other free poems. The Pick-a-Prompt can actually be used up to 3 times if you ask kids to pick a new one each time.  Always prove to be very insightful.  You can see my September Pick-a-Prompts here if interested.

I like my "crafts" to be quick and meaningful. This fits the bill! It makes a nice display and won't take your little ones all day to complete. 

If you want to grab my September/October Make a Word Packet for FREE, please do!  So helpful when you want to reinforce our Fundations lessons!

I just realized that I forgot to add the Word Search!  Eek.  I'll add it tomorrow when I have the time. I always like to make two options of the word search: with and without diagonals so you can differentiate for your class.

So all of this for a just $2.40 during the TPT sale...Yea!  I'd vote for it!

Have a great day!

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