Wednesday, April 8, 2020

SIMPLE Craft and Free Poem

When my kids were little, they LOVED Easter!  It was a pretty big deal and always involved crafts and creative baskets.  This year, for so many, Easter will be different. 

But it can still be fun. 

Here are two fun activities I've always used with my own kids and maybe you can use as well.

First up:

Get moving with this free poem.  Who doesn't love doing The Bunny Hokey Pokey?  You can download by clicking on the pic above.

And this simple craft:

We used stickers and paper towel holders to make napkin/utensil holders for Easter Dinner.  I'm sure I can find some old pics showing us making using these.  Honestly, at least 17-18 years ago!  How crazy is that?  They looked adorable placed across the plates.

TBH, I think they'd be even cuter if you used toilet paper cardboard and had the napkins sticking out.

Here's hoping your Easter is a safe one and involves at least a little bit of chocolate!

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