Sunday, October 26, 2014

EASY and Meaningful Way to Record 100 Days of School

We've had 34 days of school so far.  It's amazing to think how much the kids have learned and grown in such a short amount of time. (Me, too!) Each year, I count the days by bundling craft sticks in a place value pouch.

Then I saw this on Pinterest:

(It was just a picture, no link. Not sure who gets credit.)
Can I say how much I LOVE counting the days on Ten Frames?  LOVE!  I thought about making one but my room is so tiny, I don't have the space.  So, I came up with a compromise:
It's simple.  It's small at 8.5x11. It's perfect for my room.  Maybe yours?  Enjoy!


  1. I bought something similar to this on TPT. My students enjoy counting everyday and look forward to Zero the Hero visiting each 10th day.

  2. Thank you! I think I'll print one for each child to add to their "calendar folder!"

  3. This is really great trick, see our video to teach more simple way -


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